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Sun, 25 Sept


My home in North West Brisbane

Sistership Circle - PROSPER

A women’s circle to be nourished, supported, and held as a woman by women. A space where we empower each other to be our absolute best selves. Bring a friend or make new friends. The only rule is to come as you, your true, authentic self, with no expectations and no judgement.

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Sistership Circle - PROSPER
Sistership Circle - PROSPER

Time & Location

25 Sept 2022, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm AEST

My home in North West Brisbane

About the Event

Do you want relationships that are honest, nurturing, supportive and harmonious?

Do you long to feel healthy, joyful, balanced and fully alive in your body?

How would it feel to be creating enough money to fully provide whatever you need for you and your loved ones?

In this month’s circle we’re connecting to the core elements of what makes a prosperous life - our wellbeing, healthy relationships, purposeful work and all the money we can spend.

We’re exploring our relationship to each of those elements and where our limiting beliefs may be getting in the way for us. We’re addressing any imbalances between our masculine and feminine energies, and bringing them into harmony so that we can create a more bountiful life.

Who are we being in the world and what are we doing to open ourselves up to greater abundance and prosperity?

Are we staying open and expansive to the possibility of life?

Are we doing the inner work to learn, grow and heal ourselves?

Are we taking meaningful action to move us closer towards our goals?

We will reflect on all of these questions and more, identifying any blocks and connecting to the goddess Lakshmi to support us in melting away any fears we may have.

All of this is possible in circle when we step into our sovereignty, and be brave, vulnerable and open hearted with each other.

Come to circle and experience:

* MEDITATION to ground into the space and be utterly present.

* INTIMATE SHARING to connect with each other and share your heart.

* VISUALIZATION to integrate the theme and explore what it means to you.

* MOVEMENT to feel, move, release any emotions that feel alive for you.

* RITUAL to guide in the light and truly embody our theme.

It is in sisterhood that we reclaim our voice, our truth, our freedom, our wild side. It is in sisterhood that we integrate all parts of ourselves to be whole, complete women.

Please note that each of our facilitators will create a circle that embodies the theme and in a way that reflects their understanding and personal relationship with it. The description above is a guidance of what to expect and each circle may vary depending on how each facilitator wishes to explore the theme. We welcome and celebrate the gifts that each of our facilitators bring to their circles and to the experiences they create for their communities.

Together in sisterhood we are stronger.

Together we will change the world.

This event has a group. You’re welcome to join the group once you register for the event.


  • PayItForward Sistership Circle

    This ticket is for 1 person to join the Circle and generously sponsor a less fortunate sister.

    Sale ended
  • Sistership Circle

    This ticket is for 1 person to join the Circle

    Sale ended
  • Sistership Circle Sponsored

    This ticket is subsidized for 1 person to join the Circle as a gift from another sister.

    Sale ended



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